Ticket Information
BEWARE of various other ticket sellers like ticketcenter.com, as they charge an exorbitant amount for our tickets which range from $14.00 to $49.50. ONLY buy tickets from us at this website, the box office at 609-492-9477, press 1 or stop in to purchase in person.
2025 Ticket Prices:
Mainstage Shows:
$46 for adults & seniors
$36 for children 12 and under
Children’s Theatre:
all tickets $14.00
Concerts and Events vary in price, see individual show
Additional Information
PLease contact us if any of the following apply
If you are purchasing tickets for 3 or more MAINSTAGE SHOWS (musicals or plays), please call the box office at 609-492-9477, press 1
If you need special accommodations, such as wheelchair seating, please call the box office
If you are purchasing 15 or more tickets to a performance, contact our Group Sales Manager, surflight.ruth@gmail.com or 609-492-9477, x210