news Features

Surflight Theatre Celebrating 75 Years in 2024

Article in bay magazine written by Lisa Simek
Photos by Pat Trotter

Good Morning America
- July 2021 -

Surflight Theatre Honored with

Another Summer at Surflight:
How the Shore Theatre
Keeps Shining

“If you know anything about the 70+ year history of this remarkable theatre, you know that, even with challenges that were overwhelming others in the arts and cultural sector, Surflight would be able to draw on their resourcefulness to make the season happen.” 

“One thing that contributed, in large part, to Surflight being able to go from zero-to-60 in a short time is the organization's unique circumstances. Surflight has housing for more than 50 people, which enables the staff and actors to live on-site.”

INterview with producing Director Steve Steiner

Wobm Morning SHow - August 5th, 2021

Steve and The WOBM Morning Crew discuss the remaining productions for the 2021 season.

INterview with producing Director Steve Steiner

Wobm Morning SHow - August 13th, 2021

Steve and The WOBM Morning Crew discuss the remaining productions for the 2021 season.