
2025 Audition Information

Surflight Theatre 2025 Season EPA
Beach Haven, NJ

Steve Steiner, Producing Artistic Director

Gail Anderson, Associate Artistic Director, Casting Director

Paula Hammons Sloan, General Manager

March 8 and 9th 10-5:30, Lunch 1-1:30

Surflight Theatre
201 Engleside Avenue
Beach Haven, NJ 08008

 Seeking AEA Actors who move or dance for 2025 Season. LOA/CORST. Surflight is Resident stock and actors will generally be hired for consecutive shows. ELF is a stand alone production.

All roles are open except TRU and Surflight Theatre is fully committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in all casting consideration and hiring. 

Director/Choreographer Paula Hammons Sloan
1st rehearsal 5/12
Opens 5/28
Closes 6/15
9 to 5
Director/Choreographer Kelli Barclay
1st rehearsal 5/29
Opens 6/18
Closes 7/6

42nd Street
Director/Choreographer Paula Hammons Sloan
1st rehearsal 6/19
Opens 7/8
Closes 7/27

West Side Story
Director/Choreographer Elizabeth Troxler
1st rehearsal 7/9
Opens 7/29
Closes 8/17

Buddy the Buddy Holly Story
Director Steve Steiner
1st rehearsal 7/30
Opens 8/19
Closes 9/7

Calendar Girls (play)
Director Andrew Glant Linden
1st rehearsal 8/20
Opens 9/10
Closes 9/21

On Golden Pond
Director Chris Strangfeld
1st rehearsal 9/11
Opens 9/25
Closes 10/5

TRU ( 1 man show already cast)
Director Don Stitt
1st rehearsal 10/6
Opens 10/9
Closes 10//12

Elf the Musical
Director/ Choreographer Paula Hammons Sloan
1st rehearsal 11/14
Opens 11/29
Closes 12/21


When: March 8 and 9, 2025
Time: 10am to 1pm both days for Ages 15 to Adult. Dance call to follow in afternoon
Where: Surflight Theatre – 201 Engleside Avenue, Beach Haven, NJ

2025 Season:
Irving Berlin’s TOP HAT- May 28- June 15
9 to 5, The Musical – June 18 – July 6
42nd STREET – July 7- July 27
WEST SIDE STORY – July 29-August 17
BUDDY…THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY – August 19-September 7
CALENDAR GIRLS, The Play – September 10-21
ON GOLDEN POND – September 25-10/5
TRU – October 9-12
ELF The Musical – November 29-December 21

Surflight Theatre hires a resident company with a Letter of Agreement referenced to the CORST contract. Surflight hires actors and interns who are interested in performing in numerous shows consecutively. We very rarely job in ie hire an actor for just one show. TOP HAT will start rehearsal May 14th.

Please bring Headshot and Resume and 16 bars of a song of your choice and sheet music in the appropriate key. An accompanist will be provided. If you are only auditioning for the plays please bring a monologue. Please bring at least one second contrasting piece prepared in case you are asked to sing it. You may be asked to stay to read or dance. Bring clothes appropriate for movement or dance call including ballet shoes and tap shoes if you tap.

Please note: this audition is open to anyone. If you are local to us please indicate that on your resume or in any subject line of an email. To be considered local you MUST have your own housing that is in a commutable distance to Surflight Theatre and have reliable means of transportation to attend rehearsals and performances.

AEA Members will be seen at this call as an EPA 10:00am to 5:30pm and will be given priority. EMCs do not receive priority at these auditions.

Given the heavy dance requirements of the summer season and the fact that we hire a resident company, anyone attending this call who is interested and appropriate in Ensemble and/or Roles such as:
Dale Tremont and Jerry Travers in Top Hat
Peggy, Billy, Andy Lee, Lorraine, Phyllis, Annie, Ethel, Diane in 42nd Street
Riff, Bernardo, Anita, Maria in West Side Story
Should be an advanced tap dancer with strong ballet technique

Email with questions.


We will be announcing submissions at a later date. Anyone who is an undergraduate or a pending 2025 college graduate (or of similar age if not in college) will be asked for the following at that time:
Headshot and resume including height and exact dates of availability
Slate: Name, Year in school, Hometown and college if you are in school
2 Contrasting vocal pieces
Dance video showing:
Time steps
Combinations containing:
paddle and roll - (paradiddle combinations)
Air steps (wings single, double: double pickups or pullbacks, single pickups,
Any “old style” broadway tricks and turns that best show your abilities as a dancer

Please perform all combinations to musical accompaniment so we can hear how your taps sync up with music. Please do not submit a video with a music overlay that is different than what you are tapping to. Females dancers please dance in heels and not flat tap shoes.

Ballet/lyrical or contemporary reel
Pointe work if you are a female dancer with intermediate to good pointe skills. Not required if you do not dance en pointe
Ballroom or partnering if you have those reels.


If you are interested in auditioning in person for the Show Place Waitri, you will be able to indicate that at this audition. Waitri are Singer/Movers.

 The Show Place Ice Cream Parlour hires 10 singing Waitri who must be available from early June through Labor Day or very late August. More audition information below.

Additional Information

We provide housing and salary for adults

Performers who have access to their own housing and transportation local to the theatre in Beach Haven is invited to submit anytime to with headshot and resume, dates of availability,
2 16 bar cuts and dance/movement video. Please put LOCAL in the subject line and be aware that theatre housing will not be available to you if cast.

2025 Performing Internships

Surflight has a strong and longstanding performing internship program.

All interns will receive a $350 weekly stipend as well as housing, if not local to the theatre.

Additional payment of $25 will be made for performing in Children’s Theatre productions.

Interns do 2 hours of strike or load in per production.

Internships are available to current undergraduates or those who will graduate in 2025.

2025 Non-AEA Youth Auditions



SUBMISSIONS DUE BY MARCH 16th or earlier. Please include in the subject line name, gender, height and age. (i.e. Sara Johnson, (F), 5’, 14)


 Children and teens ages 6 to 18 will be considered for the following:

  • CHILDREN’S THEATRE - Some Roles (i.e. Peter Pan, Wizard of Oz). These Productions run weekly, Wednesday through Sunday and change every week.

  • THE SPONGEBOB MUSICAL, YOUTH EDITION  - Ages 12-18 - Runs 7/23-7/27 and 8/13-8/17.  Rehearsals begin July 5th.

  • 9 TO 5, THE MUSICAL - Teenage boy (15-18), Runs 6/18-7/6, Rehearsals begin May 29th

  • ON GOLDEN POND - Teenage boy (13-17) -  Runs 9/25 to 10/5

  • ELF- Michael Hobbs (10 -14)  & Youth Ensemble (Holiday production, runs Nov. 29-Dec. 21)

NEW THIS SUMMER!!!:  Surflight Vacation Serenaders - Small Show Choir made up of singers/movers 8-14 yrs in age. Will perform at community functions and at the beginning of selected Children’s Theatre productions at Surflight.

If auditioning for Mini Show Place program, please complete the Mini Audition Form and fill out paperwork specific to that program.
MINI SHOW PLACE Program (tuition based) June 22-28 (please see Mini Show Place program information)

CHILDREN’S THEATRE productions run from June 25-August 31 for one week each and will rehearse for a few days before each opening date. If a show repeats later in the summer, preference will be given to actors who are available for both runs.

THE SPONGEBOB MUSICAL: YOUTH EDITION: Youth production will rehearse July 5-23, Run July 23-27 and August 13-17 with a brushup rehearsal on August 12.


ALL CHILDREN 6-11 auditioning for Children’s Theatre productions, Mini Show Place:

1. Audition Form filled out including conflicts, preferred shows, and resume if you have one.

2. Short intro video telling us your name, age, if/why you love shows

3. Please sing 16 bars of any One (1) Musical Theatre stage or movie song or Nursery Rhyme with accompaniment that is appropriate to your age and vocal type. Children should be singing in a natural young voice and not forcing a hard or contemporary belt.

Examples of Nursery Rhyme songs:
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Happy Birthday
London Bridge
Itsy Bitsy Spider

Or 16 bars of any appropriate Musical Theatre Song with accompaniment. Please do not sing Britney Spears, Christina Aquilara, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Megan Trainer, etc. or from shows such as: Dear Evan Hanson, Next to Normal, Legally Blonde, Spring Awakening, Catch Me if You Can, Mean Girls, Rent, Rock of Ages or similar.

4. Please pick one of the poems in this link, memorize it and film:

30 Short Poems for Kids: for Every Occasion (

5. Dance video. Please learn the dance combination provided in the video. Video yourself performing the combination.

Video link:

If you are a dancer and have reels you may send those along with the above dance combination video

6. Headshot or Photo

ALL PERFORMERS ages 12 to 18, please submit the following:

1. Audition Form filled out including conflicts, preferred shows, and resume if you have one.

2. Short intro video telling us your name, age, why you would like to be involved this summer

3. 16 bars of Traditional Musical Theatre movie or stage song with accompaniment - NO A CAPPELLA. Please do not sing any contemporary pop such as Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Megan Trainer, etc. or from shows such as: Dear Evan Hanson, Next to Normal, Legally Blonde, Spring Awakening, Catch Me if You Can, Mean Girls, Rent, Rock of Ages or similar.

4. Short monologue (You may also learn one of the Children’s Poems from above)

5. Dance video. Please learn the dance combination provided in the video. Video yourself performing the combination.

Video link:

If you are a dancer and have reels you may send those along with the above dance combination video

6. Headshot or Photo

Email submissions to: or for more information
Mini Show Place submissions should be emailed to:

2025 Show Place Waitri Auditions

Is Show Place your dream summer job? Then we want to meet you!

We are looking for happy, sparkly people over 18, who are silly and love to have fun.

Must be available from early-June to Labor Day or very late August.

Show Place waitri sing, dance, interact with patrons as they serve theatrically themed sundaes.

Server salary, tips and housing provided.

Surflight and The Show Place will be attending the following combined auditions:

A1s – Norwalk Connecticut, January 17-21

or email your Audition

Please include the following in your Show Place Audition Submission:

Headshot and Resume

A fun photo that shows your personality

A brief statement as to why you are the perfect person for Show Place (can be recorded or typed)

Two contrasting songs: One Golden Age and One Modern Musical Theatre

Include dates of availability from June 2-September 1 with Show Place and your last name listed in the subject line

Send via e-mail to:  by March 15th

 Email for more information